When I was a kid it was a very happy day when the Sears Wish Book catalog would show up as the Christmas holidays approached! I would mull over the pages with a discerning eye and an ink pen in hand ready to circle what I wanted… or needed? A few months ago when a what seems rarer and rarer catalog showed up in my mailbox arrived I couldn’t help but think at how much I miss having print IN HAND to check things out. The old days of catalog shopping and hoping St. Nick brings your wildest toy desires inspired me to scan this vintage toy catalog and make this blog post.
Shenk & Tittle was a sporting goods store that opened in 1917 and located on 313 Market Street in Harrisburg, PA. Over the years other locations popped up in the surrounding states, and the business almost made it to 100 years – but ceased operating in 2014.
Around the time they closed in 2014 I was out of town working just outside of Louisville, Kentucky and found this toy catalog dating from 1957/1958 in an antique store. It had made it pretty far from Harrisburg! I flipped through the pages I quickly decided this was coming home with me!
So take a look below as I have scanned every page in order and in high resolution. Personally, I loved the art and layout on the pages, the muted colors, and especially a few of these child models that just seem less than thrilled to be posing with some of the toys. You’re going to find all kids of old games, play sets, dolls, toy guns, & other things that you used to have or dreamed of having! Maybe you’ll see something that jogs a memory from back in the day.
Here is the 1957/1958 Shenk & Tittle Toy Catalog:
Thank you for checking it out!