About My Custom Gumball Machines Restorations
Growing up I had a beloved Uncle that always had the neatest things at his house. One year he got a gumball machine. It was one of those inexpensive antique looking Carousel gumball machines that you easily find for sale at a big box store or online, but to my young eyes it was amazing! You could have your own gumball machine AT HOME?
I found myself saying the same thing about pinball machines and arcade games also when I saw the 80's TV show 'Silver Spoons'. I knew I wanted a gumball machine for my place when I grew up, so I bought my first one when I was off to college 30 years ago. Not being content with how it looked stock, I started changing it's colors, adding decals, etc. Over time, I found myself really attracted to the Oak Acorn gumball machine and that's primarily what I would look for. They were what I remembered from being a kid, were old, had glass globes, parts were available, plenty of smooth surface area to ad decals, were tough, and they had a really cool retro design! I started customizing my own, and then as friends and family started seeing them I started doing it for their homes as well.
I've also toyed around with Northwesterns, Victors, Fords, and others, but my heart really lies with the old reliable Oak Acorn. Unfortunately, the old Acorns are starting to get a bit tougher to find these days, especially with good chrome on the coin mechs, and good glass globes! But, I still get a few machines a year to tinker with and really enjoy restoring them!
The video below takes a closer look at my gumball machine restoration process.
Oak Acorn Gumball Machine Restoration, by Kanauga Kool
FOR SALE: 1960s Era Acorn Gumball Machine - CLICK HERE!
FOR SALE: Texaco Fire Chief Gumball Machine - CLICK HERE!
Click HERE for my past gumball machine restorations gallery!
Click HERE if you need help on how to refill your Acorn gumball machine or how to remove the coins!
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